This text is a set of guidelines and a code of ethics for a service provider on the database.
The Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act 2015, mentions NAPTIP as the agency responsible for implementing the Act. In Section 40 (2) the Act requires NAPTIP to keep a record of all accredited service providers and circulate same to all police stations, protection officers and the court. In Section 40 (2)(b) it demands that a set of guidelines be drawn up for the operation of the accredited service providers, with the objective of protecting the rights and interest of victims (and survivors) of violence.
Service providers are organisations or individuals who render services that can be considered necessary to create safe spaces, prevent, report, or treat cases and instances of sex abuse. They are governmental, non-governmental (NGO), faith-based, voluntary and charitable associations/ institutions or individuals providing shelter, homes, counseling, legal, financial, vocational, educational, medical or other assistance to victims and survivors of all forms of domestic and sex-related violence, as captured in the VAPP Act, that are working nationwide in Nigeria.
NGOs applying to register on the database should be organisations registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), or state and local government authorities, as the case may be. They should have been registered for a minimum period of two years. Such organisations must also have Special Control Unit on Money Laundering (SCUML) certificate, or as may be applicable.
Guidelines for Service Providers
All service providers who apply to be on the database must do the following:
- Be either NGOs / Faith-Based / CBOs or government agencies rendering services
- Provide at least one service in one or more sectors having direct relevance to the protection of the personhood of people. Such areas include health, education, human rights, justice, psycho-social welfare, counselling, legal aid, and economic wellbeing
- The management and staff of the organisation that interface directly with clients must be appraised and known to be non-sexual offenders and have the requisite professional training and attitude
- Have evidence that upon joining the organisation, all staff of the organisation have signed a standard non-disclosure agreement on protecting the rights of victims and survivors
- Demonstrate capacity and show evidence of service provision including having qualified professionals/staff in the area of service delivery
- Have strong communication channels: this includes a known verifiable address, website, emails, at least one social media handle and a hotline
- Report regularly and comply with the code of ethics and rules of the regulatory agencies.
Code Ethics Principles for Service Providers
Service providers are expected to abide by these guiding principles
- Respect for the rights and dignity of all humans
- Respect for the bodily integrity of persons
- Protect and not abuse the client/survivor in any way directly or indirectly
- Interaction between service providers and survivors/clients must be devoid of
any form of violence (physical, verbal or otherwise)
- Non-disclosure of cases reported to the organisation except on a need-to-know basis or with the consent of the clients/survivors and their families.
- Building capacity of staff in accordance with professional best practices
- Transparency and accountability in rendering services to clients/survivors
- Where there is a conflict of interest, the best interest of the client/survivor will always take pre-eminence.
- Non-discrimination in rendering service to beneficiaries across age, religion, sex, ethnicity, education, disability, sexual re-orientation, and social status.
- Show competence and due diligence in the documenting, reporting and filing of cases.
- Annual reporting of service provided to the service provider platform.
- Agree to abide by the right to be delisted if criteria for service delivery are not met.